Friday, November 13, 2015

Because There Were Boys Who Weren’t Allowed To Go: Chores:

Because There Were Boys Who Weren’t Allowed To Go:

Hard on the land wears the strong sea
and empty grows every bed

                        John Berryman
                        Dream Songs – I

what is a saved life exactly?
a hoed row when more than too soon
pruned roots lie cut with weeds
each the color (after sun) of late peas, spread
wide on an attic floor

                        when days before
                        they’d opened a window
                        and swept the under-
                        side of the roof with rags,
                        a broom, their mouths
                        and noses gagged
                        for the bat shit
                        their mama said
                                                we got
                                                and peas

                                                I won’t have no bats
                                                or rats pissin’
                                                n’ shittin’
                                                all over

                                                you go up
                                                scrub buckets
                                                hot water
                        until not one was spared
                        against the work
                        to stay home from the lake
                        and traps were laid
                        and all the cracks closed against those bats
                        their cheep and tweet
                                                shell and shuck,
                                                take them to the barn
                                                (you want bats
                                                but not near
                                                those peas
                                    and keep it clean, sweep
                                    it every night—

so it would be there, he was in
the attic,
the almost man
sweeping and one rat
gawking out the trap
he was about to throw out
the window to the trash
when he saw down the drive-
way the utter sag
and drag of the foot and face
of his friend
just dropped off at the end
of the lane, 
but being so far up the lane it’s a voice
without the voice – until it carries
up to him and by then
it’s as pitched and pinched
as a  swallow caught
in the claws of some hawk –
he hears it above the tree line
he thinks, that streak…
then the shriek.  

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